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Rocío Lozano-Knowlton

Rocío Lozano-Knowlton

Current job: Executive Director of the MERITO Foundation

What life experiences may have led you to a career in STEM?
A family trip to the Yucatan Peninsula at 11 years old. 

What are some fun and interesting facts about your life with which students might identify?

For my first job after college, I was a SCUBA dive guide in the Sea of Cortez. I made a Giant Manta friend (14 feet across). She would find me underwater at a popular dive site and swim under me. With 2 fingers tips to the edge of her head, I held her and she towed me underwater like a Magic Carpet for up to 15 minutes each time.

What other other things should students know about you?

As a kid, I dreamed of exploring our world. I have done it, below and above the surface of the water. Find your passion and focus on it. It will require effort and discipline, but it will pay off, and you will spend your only life doing what you like and care about.