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Cindy Afshari

Cindy Afshari

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Current job: Research Scientist at Amgen Inc.

What life experiences may have led you to a career in STEM?

I started volunteering in a lab when I was in high school and then also in college. This helped me see what a research career would be like.

What are some fun and interesting facts about your life with which students might identify?

One of the fun things about being a scientist is that you get to work in a broad and diverse community with other scientists from around the world. In order to learn from them, I have been privileged to be able to travel to places I may not have gone to otherwise.

What other things should students know about you?

When I was a kid I always got really nervous to stand up and speak in front of folks. I still get nervous now, though I have more confidence. Scientists have to have excellent communication skills, otherwise their work will remain unknown and lack societal contribution. Don’t shy away from taking the chance to present when you can.